Has Your Child Been Charged With a Crime? What You Should Know Before Hiring A Criminal Lawyer in Arizona
There is nothing that is more of a punch to the stomach than hearing that your child is in trouble with the law. Teenagers can be easily influenced by peer pressure, and a child that has good behavior can easily get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Going about your day and suddenly getting a call from the police station can quickly and suddenly stop you in your tracks.
No one wants to imagine their child in trouble with the law, so not many parents know what steps to take to support their child and get them the help they need. If your child has been charged with a crime, there are a few things you should know before hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Arizona.
An Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer’s job is to be an advocate for your child and get them the help they need and deserve. In this article, we break down what to do if your child has been charged with a crime as well as what questions to ask your lawyer. We also dive into why it is crucial to have a criminal defense attorney on your side.
What To Do if Your Child Has Been Charged With A Crime?
An important aspect of being a parent is keeping your kids protected no matter what the world throws at them. Unfortunately, parents have no way to protect their kids from every single thing that comes their way. Many times kids get into trouble in their teenage years trying to prove themselves to their peers that they can wind up in trouble with the law in a snap.
A child in the midst of getting into trouble with the cops can react quickly and say more than is needed in a given scenario. Oftentimes, minors must have their parents present before they speak to anyone or before they are questioned. If your child is above the age of a minor it is still important for them to know to hold off speaking to others until a lawyer is present. An Arizona attorney will have your child’s best interest at heart and know the exact steps to take to get your child the foundation they need to move forward.
What You Should Know Before Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer in Arizona?
Although there are many Arizona attorneys that claim to be able to help you and your child, you should proceed wisely because it is your child’s future you are dealing with. Finding an Arizona attorney that is knowledgeable but also transparent and honest will help you know exactly how they will help your family, and you can trust they are doing all they can.
Some lawyers can sneak in hidden fees and add in additional fees without you knowing, so finding a reliable lawyer is crucial for your child’s future. It is also important to find an Arizona attorney that has worked with minors and juveniles before. A juvenile is between the ages of 8-18 and will have a different court situation that needs to be dealt with by a professional There are various laws that should be known through and through for lawyers working with children and it is essential to find an attorney that knows how to help your child best.
Many times in the Arizona court system, if a child is charged with a crime, the judge will try and redirect and guide the child with programs to help get them on the right path. That is not the case if the crime is extremely serious or the same crime has been committed multiple times in a row. Nevertheless, an Arizona attorney that has worked with children before will know the exact steps to take to get them what they need to improve.
What Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney?
There are many questions that should be asked before hiring a criinal defense attorney.
Have you worked with cases involving children committing crimes before?
You wouldn’t want a DUI lawyer working on a case that involves your child because, most of the time, that is not in their wheelhouse. Just like every type of doctor typically has specialties, attorneys are no different.
You also have to think that the more cases an attorney have had to defend minors, the more practice they have had, and they are learning with each case. Having worked with charges against children before will help give your family a strong foundation to have someone on your side that will fight on your behalf.
Is my child eligible for the Youthful Offender status?
The youthful offender status can protect your child from being tried as an adult. It can also help your child not face the same intense consequences that an adult would face in court.
Not every crime is equal, so being eligible for this status is dependent on the severity of the crime and how many times your child has been charged before. Knowing this crucial information beforehand will help you understand what your child will encounter in the courtroom.
What other consequences will my child face?
Jail time and fines are often common consequences that come to a parent’s mind when they find out their child has committed a crime. Oftentimes you don’t think about community service, being suspended from school, and it is also affecting the ability for them to get a job in the future.
Some crimes will stay on your child’s record that can not only affect them right after the crime happens but often for many years down the road. Discussing other consequences that your child can face with your Arizona attorney can help prepare you for what is next and what steps you need to take to help your child.
When Should You Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney For Your Child?
After your child has committed a crime, it is hard for you and them to know what steps to take to get all of the help you need. That is why it is so important to find an Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney sooner rather than later.
Children do not have to answer questions made by police officers or others by simply stating that they cannot speak until their lawyer is present. Doing so will protect your child from saying something that could get them into further trouble.
The same goes for if you are present and someone is trying to question your child. You can state that your child will not be answering questions until you can speak to an attorney.
Overall, although it is a parent’s worst nightmare to get the call that your child is in trouble with the law, there are multiple steps you can take to get your child what they need. One major step is to reach out to a criminal defense attorney as soon after you get the call as you can. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side will keep you from having to tread through the waters alone and will have someone who knows the law on your side.